I’m so proud of you for coming to read!! Did you know that public speaking is most people’s number 1 fear (even more than death)?! You did a great job and your voice didn’t sound like it sounded inside your own head. I promise! Your writing is fantastic and people are going to LOVE your book. 2nd pitch for sure, and maybe try writing a forward just to see if it feels like you want to include it. I don’t think you NEED one but maybe just write it and see. So proud. Forever clapping for you! X

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Go with the second pitch - I agree.

I love your sometimes shaky voice. I love your consistent humor.

I love your raw honestly and unique ability to have tender sentences sandwiched between hilarity.

This book will be loved by so many, Julie!

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Yes to #2! Cheering you on, Julie! Also, I think when people give that sort of "feedback" they’re often focused on what’s coming out of their own mouths and how it’s being perceived, rather than the person and work they’re feedbacking.

Btw, I don’t know anything about blurbing books, but Courtney Maum has written about it, and I trust her immensely on such things: https://courtneymaum.substack.com/p/blurb-writing-etiquette

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Sep 10Liked by Julie Fontes

Bahahaha I can just feel the feedback happening, you really took me to that moment. Cringe, but also god bless em. Love it all Jules. Def #2

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Sep 9Liked by Julie Fontes

Julie, I’m right there with you about the unwanted sympathy. And it was brave of you to agree to get up there and speak in front of people. I think that has to be my number one last thing I ever want to do. Well, maybe number two, after singing in front of people.

About the blurb — I think the second one is a little more clear than the first and I like that you say she realizes no one is coming to save her. There’s my two cents.

Thanks for sharing your spoken word experience. I wonder if it ever gets easier?

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It has to get easier, and if it doesn’t, you know I’ll be sure to come back and report on it.

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That “feedback” was icky, cringy. You are a writer, dammit. You were in a writer’s space, not in group therapy.

& Definitely the second one.

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